Legal entities including NGOs, think-tanks, Universities and SMEs can
become members by signing a membership agreement and accepting
membership terms and conditions. The membership agreement is subject to
the approval of the Board of Directors.
Individual Membership is free of charge. When applying for membership,
each member commits to achieve the objectives of the Alliance, with a
contribution in kind, for example,
- to be the Ambassador of the Alliance,
- contribute to the policy areas of the Alliance by providing expertise,
- engage in applications for Calls of Proposals and fundraising
- to be a speaker at events, working groups of the European Commission etc.
Universal benefits for all members:
- Access to an established network for collaboration in EU policy and funding
- Access to high-level meetings, working groups and decision-makers in the EU
- Opportunity to use our open space access in DigitYser when members are in Brussels
- Access to policy updates, reports, toolkits and guidelines
- Monthly coordination calls and webinars, opportunity to share and network with like-minded organizations and professionals
- Communication support by having access to EDDA’s followers on Twitter, FB, website visitors
Exclusive benefits for legal entities:
- Facilitation on grant applications, legal and administrative support on applications submissions
- Support and guidance in joint grants and tenders’ implementation